Nucleosome: Key Insight into DNA Packaging and Gene Regulation
In our body’s tiny cells, the DNA is like a super long thread, about two meters when stretched out. But it has to fit into a cell nucleus that’s way smaller, less than 10 micrometers across. And not only that, certain parts of the DNA need to be active or inactive at the right times,…
Haplotype – A Guide to Genetic Code of Inheritance
The study of genetics is diverse and is continually evolving. Scientists are still exploring this vast field to find out new types and variations. Human inheritance and all the genetic information one generation passes onto another are the cause of diversity on Earth. The haplotype is one of those concepts that enable an organism to…
Pleiotropy – The Impact of Single Gene Variation on Life
The exploration of life is unending, as there are thousands of aspects still to be discovered. From the fascinating working of neurons in the brain to the complex system of genetics, biology is one of the most diverse fields of study. This blog will discuss the phenomenon of Pleiotropy, a term that indicates the condition…