Terms and Conditions

Scientificasia.net – Terms & Conditions of use

The terms and conditions we are going to discuss apply to your usage, visit, and registration of ScientificAsia. We recommend you read these terms and conditions before you get started with Scientificasia.net with any of the intentions you have. Moreover, when you have visited this website, we consider and acknowledge that you have gone through all of our terms and conditions carefully and understood them clearly. We consider that you have agreed to all the terms and conditions being written on this page.

If you do not accept these terms and conditions, we recommend you to not get started with our website Scientificasia.net. You are not being given the approval to visit this website in the case of disagreement with the conditions.  All the content being shared on www.scientificasia.net is the property of the website itself or any third party we have mentioned on our website. We have copyrights on the whole content of this website. The website is in the possession of Scientificasia.net and it is controlled by Scientificasia.net itself.

Now we will mention all the conditions below.

1. Terms and Conditions of Usage

We welcome you as a visitor to our website Scientificasia.net. All content that is being shared on the website must only be used for informational and knowledge purposes only. In case of the visit, usage, and downloading of any of the content of the website, you are agreed to the terms and conditions of the website. These conditions apply on your first visit to all the times you visit our website. We are allowed to update or change the terms and conditions whenever we want to. 

We encourage you to visit the terms and conditions page in case of any kind of revision on the page to avoid any issues.  As one of the conditions, you are not allowed to change or revise any kind of content being shared on the website. Any violation being caught can put you under serious violation liabilities.

2. Restrictions of the website

You are supposed to download or view the content of the website only for personal usage and it must not be used for any commercial purpose. Any kind of commercial usage and transaction is not allowed on the website. We are not answerable to any kind of fraud you may face in the case of commercial transactions, as we do not allow this. 

3. Feedback you provide

Any kind of interaction with scientificasia.net in the form of feedback or comments are non-confidential. By submitting any kind of feedback you agree to the condition that it may be updated, revised, or copy for any usage on the website. We are allowed to use this feedback in any case.

4. Disclaimer

Scientificasia.net tries its best to provide you with worthy and original information on this website. But we don’t take full responsibility for providing completely accurate and complete information as it can vary. We are allowed to update or change the content being shared on the website without any proper notice. We take no responsibility for any kind of damage or loss being faced with any of the information being shared on the website, as we do not take responsibility of sharing complete and accurate information. 

Scientificasia.net is not responsible for all the links being shared on the website.  We do not take full commitment to update the content if it gets outdated for any reason.  You are supposed to visit the terms and conditions page to look for the latest changes or revisions on the page.  If any kind of financial loss is being done, we do not take any responsibility. We also don’t take responsibility for any kind of theft, loss, or damage done. 

We don’t take responsibility for the content and information of the website that hyperlinks take you. Because these sites are not under the possession of scientifciasia.net. Your participation or any kind of dealing with third-party websites whether it’s financial or not, we don’t take any kind of responsibility. It is solely between you and the respective third party, we are not claimable for any kind of activity. We are not responsible for any damage being done to you in dealing with third-party websites. 

5. Termination of Usage

Scientificasia.net has the right to terminate your access to our website if you are found breaching or disagreeing with the terms and conditions. 

6. Indemnification:

You are supposed to indemnify and save with the owner licenses, third party, or any mind of this information connected with the website. You are supposed to defend the rights of the website.

7. Law

This agreement is in compliance with the laws of the state. You may face serious charges if you are found violating the terms and conditions.

8. General Provision

If any of the provisions of Scientificasia is found void, you are supposed to remain under the other provisions of the website. We have completely discussed the terms and conditions of the website. If you have any kind of questions about the terms and conditions you are welcome to contact us whenever you want.

Thank you.

Email: info@scientificasia.net