Ubereats Clone: Top Reasons Behind Frequent App Updates

Once you’ve finished developing your Ubereats Clone app, you launch it, and then people start downloading it. In this blog, learn why your business needs to update the app it manages, how long you can go without an update, and how often you should implement significant upgrades.


Having an updated app is another way of saying that your business is listening to the customers. Therefore, your aim should be finding a perfect routine for your app to get fresh in the sea of millions others just like it. Let’s find out more reasons behind the nature of frequent app updates.

The Nature of On-Demand Food Delivery Apps like Ubereats Clone

The global smartphone market is expected to be worth USD 947.11 billion by 2030. However, this is not surprising, as the average time spent on smartphones today is 11 hours every day. In essence, the time spent on such devices keeps increasing. However, it is common for people to install the app and then lose interest in engaging with it.

Keeping this in mind, app developers should constantly search for new and enhanced features to optimize the end-user experience. Not just for the purpose of openness or transparency, but these functionality improvements may also enliven users and increase engagement.

Reasons Why You Should Update Your App Frequently

Better User Experience

Some of the time, food delivery apps don’t address particular problems within the app due to being carelessly developed. As a result, these problems soon take place in the front role of the app UX, eventually affecting the user experience. If not addressed early, some of these problems might be forgotten soon.

Keep your food delivery app up-to-date by upgrading it on a regular basis. This will show your customers that you actually care about their user experience and want to improve it for them. Moreover, adding meaningful new features such as biometric authentication and a better UI/IX home screen, coupled with a review option box, shows business potential.

Trust and Reliability

Whether it’s on Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store, users can see the “last updated on” app date. This option was added as it allows people to see which apps are currently active in the app market landscape. Moreover, if the app hasn’t been updated for a long time, the outdated UI will confuse doubtful users.

If you don’t want your company to be linked to this kind of doubt, updating the app is the key. Not only does it show that your business is still in operation, but you are also willing to update your app. Moreover, it prevents your business from looking lifeless when it comes to ordering food. Updating outdated designs that have yet to be changed in a long time works perfectly well to build trust and reputation.

Brand Loyalty

While features and upgrades are thoroughly tested before being released, specific bugs and layout inconsistencies are unavoidable. As a rule of thumb, you should always seek the feedback of the user. They are your business’s primary testers, and using their feedback, you can drastically improve your food delivery app’s functionality.

If you want your customers to be loyal to your brand, you must be loyal to their respectable criticisms. Narcissistic thoughts will only get you so far. Sometimes, your competitors will use this weakness to their advantage. Keep in mind that ratings and reviews always leave higher expectations and a lasting first impression. Therefore, by addressing concerns as soon as they are raised, you will be one step ahead of others.

App Security

An old, vulnerable app is bound to become the next target for new-age hackers. Hence, most app-based companies make a monthly update now and then within their app’s security measures. Moreover, updating the security patch prevents app-based vulnerabilities and strengthens the app code against hackers and cybercriminals.

Just as an experienced developer finds new ways to close such vulnerable gaps, a hacker can find new ones as well. To prevent any such information about your business from being leaked in public, it is essential to update your app.

Cutting-Edge Features of Ubereats Clone

Adding a cutting-edge feature and a fresh marketing idea adds longevity to your business value. Whether it’s a new milestone or a brand revamp, you must remind your users through the app. It is the only platform they use to interact with your business daily. Some of the top cutting-edge features found in the Ubereats Clone app are as follows:

●        Login Using Face ID

●        Add an Unlimited Number Of Delivery Addresses

●        Add Voice Instructions For Delivery Drivers

●        Scan a credit card for Payment

●        Wallet-to-Wallet Money Transfer

●        Promo Code and Referral Reward

With such features, you’re putting your brand back in the forefront of your customers’ minds. This encourages them to experiment with new orders and see what goodness your food delivery app can bring to them.

Moreover, most apps interact with users by talking about the new update through in-app messages or push notifications. Because of the new feature’s availability and enhanced functionality, there is much greater user interaction as a result.

Improving the Efficiency of Your Food Delivery Business with an Ubereats Clone

Getting rid of anything that is no longer relevant creates a bigger space for innovation. Optimization of outdated design, interface, rebranding, and even OS calls for a bigger plan for long-term goals. Here, it is essential to know when to update the app. In other words, finding the right time is crucial. The last thing you want is for your app to go through a complete revamp during peak times.

What do you say? Every week, a month, a year? Well, the frequency with which you should update your app depends on your overall business goals and functionality. In the context of an on-demand food delivery app, like Uber Eats Clone, it is advisable to schedule an update every 20–25 days. Since an on-demand business model works by commission, monetization of advertisements, and in-app subscriptions, most of the revenue will come straight from apps. Therefore, some food delivery apps come with minor updates every 20–30 days, and some every 20–40 days, too.

With an Ubereats Clone, you don’t have to worry about making constant updates after the launch. The white-label firm has taken care of it for over a year and supports your business by fixing bugs as well as other maintenance issues.


The world of food delivery has gone mobile, and the market currently holds thousands of apps competing with millions of others.

Hence, believing that the work is over once your app is released couldn’t be further from the truth. To understand the significance of updates, connect the user experience with the nature of the service your app provides. After all, it is essential to maintain a sense that your food delivery business still exists and is doing well.

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