Uber Sexual Assault Can Cause Emotional Trauma: Steps to Recovery

It’s 2024, but women’s safety is still a major concern across the globe. Instances of office harassment and molestation are rampant. To add to this, women have been falling prey to ruthless predators, who are working as drivers on popular ride-sharing apps, such as Uber.

In November 2023, a news article was published on KQED.org that stated over 175 sexual assault cases had been registered against Uber. Every claim complained that this San Francisco-based company didn’t do enough to protect its female passengers.

No woman who’s been through sexual assault has found it easy to recover. From general anxiety to acute panic disorder, their emotional scars are deep. Healing and recovery takes intense inner work backed up by therapeutic counseling and love and support from family members.

In this article, we will shed light on how most Uber sexual assaults take place and the emotional trauma it leads to. We will also discuss the probable steps to recovery.

Women Are Not Entirely Safe in an Uber

In January 2024, latimes.com reported about a woman who, after a few drinks, booked an Uber to return to her campus housing in Irvine. It appeared safe for her to book a cab instead of driving under the influence of alcohol. Daniel Mercado was the driver allotted to her who picked her up from the given location.

On her way back home, she fell asleep in the backseat of the car. Later, she realized Mercado had parked the car on a side street close to the university, went to the backseat, and started raping her. Her lawyer in the Uber sexual assault lawsuit mentioned that the plaintiff couldn’t move or escape. It completely attacked her safety and dignity.

She had opted for a safety feature that contacts passengers if their ride gets paused for over 5 minutes without completing it. But in her case, there was no effort taken from Uber’s side to connect with her while she was being assaulted.

Such incidents have increased in recent times, making it scary for women to book a cab from Uber. Other than physical injuries, it results in emotional trauma and a sense of acute fear, which doesn’t go away easily. The worst part is that it doesn’t just lead to low self-esteem, but also affects a woman’s entire persona and way of being.

Uber Sexual Assault and Emotional Trauma

Any woman who has undergone Uber sexual abuse will have acute emotional wounds that affect her behavior and thinking. Victims tend to develop:

Panic Disorders

When general anxiety increases and becomes out of control, it leads to panic disorders. Here, women feel that something wrong is about to happen. They are constantly dreading some impending danger, which doesn’t let them relax. Their nervous system is always overwhelmed, making them feel tense about life.

Substance Abuse

Since a sexual assault attacks the very core of a woman, the inner pain and suffering, along with the physical injuries, are too much to withstand. Some women often resort to drug and alcohol abuse to numb their pain temporarily. But when they repeat this, it leads to substance abuse, which results in a poor-quality lifestyle.

Eating Disorders

Addressing emotional pain and trauma is difficult. Some women, to suppress the pain, look at food as a temporary relief. They start eating unhealthy food in excess to bury their sadness and the feeling of being broken inside. It results in eating disorders, which cause other health issues like digestive problems, obesity, and sometimes even high cholesterol.

That aside, other issues victims of Uber sexual abuse face include depression, social isolation, obsessive-compulsive disorder, a habit of over-explaining and overthinking, and heightened anxiety.

How Can Uber Sexual Assault Victims Recover From This Trauma?

It is not healthy for women to remain in this state of pain and sadness. They need to take steps to work towards their recovery. Here are two ways to remedy the situation:

A Legal Recourse

It’s Uber’s responsibility to protect female passengers, and the law should ensure that any violation of this should not be taken lightly. TorHoerman Law states that victims should consult a lawyer and share what they have faced. The lawyer will decide if they qualify to file a lawsuit, develop a strong case, and ensure that they receive fair compensation and justice. Victims can use their settlement payout to pay for therapy.

Furthermore, it will also help to raise awareness about this crime and ensure that Uber and other ride-sharing app companies ensure women’s safety. 

Psychological Counseling

Uber sexual assault victims often feel that the world is against them and they will never be safe anywhere. It makes them stressed, anxious and worried most of the time. Therapy or counseling can help to release this mindset with CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy). It is necessary to choose a therapist who knows how to manage sexual abuse victims and help them heal better.

It is also essential for family members of the victims to show ample compassion towards them. However, they shouldn’t be made to feel that something is wrong with them. Instead, parents and family members should support them emotionally and encourage them to take the necessary actions to recover.

In conclusion, an Uber sexual assault ruins a woman’s confidence and leaves her with ample bodily injuries. The physical pains and suffering heal with time, but the sadness and feeling of being attacked within persist. Hence, women must first file a legal complaint and then seek counseling and any other path that heals them.

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