Choosing The Right On-Hold Music For Your Business: A Guide

Today’s business world moves quickly, and every contact with a customer is a chance to build your brand and make their experience better. The amount of time someone could potentially be on hold is likely to be one of the most underestimated points of contact, and customers in this place are quite receptive to your brand. It is important that you take advantage of that opportunity. One of the most effective methods to do so is to select the most appropriate on-hold music by Melody Loops that projects your brand’s identity and avails an enhanced experience for your customer. In this guide, we’ll understand how important it is that you make the right selection of on-hold music for your business and give you some practical tips to make the best choice.

Why On-Hold Music Matters?

Every second your customers have to sit on hold to call your business, your music choice for while they’re on hold starts to subconsciously set an experience. The right music leaves the caller with a positive impression, sustains interest, and, at best, subtly communicates something about your brand to the caller. 

First impressions are key, and in many respects, on-hold music is the first thing that is heard calling your business. A professional, well-selected piece of music can set the tone for the whole interaction, signaling to your callers that business through your lines is organized, attended to in detail, and customer-centered. 

Also, the on-hold music can maintain the caller’s interest for the time that they are waiting. Studies have shown that if a caller is put on hold and the line is absolutely silent, or even if it has a bit of a buzz, they will hang up; the music can serve to alleviate this frustration and maintain the caller until a call is answered. 

Finally, on-hold music is a worthy form of delivering brand-related messages. The selection of the type of music within the brand identification of the firm is an instrument to aid in the restatement of the brand messages and, hence, the caller-friendly experience.

Tips For Choosing The Right On-Hold Music

Having thus demonstrated the importance of on-hold music, let’s now spot some practicable tips for selecting music. 

Get Your Brand Identity Right: 

In the selection of the on-hold music, keep in mind what brand identity you want. Is your company a cutting-edge tech giant, a friendly neighborhood bakery, or a high-end luxury brand? Whichever it is, that’s what your music should reflect in terms of personality and values. 

Consider Your Target Audience: 

Think about the kind of crowd you’re targeting. Is it a young, fashionable audience or a more mature, conservative one? In either case, the choice of music should reflect that, be it through actual song choice or just making the audience feel comfortable and important. 

Match The Mood: 

Consider the mood you want your on-hold music to create. Do you want to create a peaceful and calm space, or would you actually like to get people excited about your brand and make them want to pick up the phone and call? Choose a few matching selections of music. 

Avoid Off-Putting Genres: 

You need to make your mark, but really be careful with the audience’s decision. Stay away from overly loud or aggressive genres of music and controversial lyrics or themes. 

Keep It Fresh: 

have fresh on-hold music. People get bored easily listening to the same track again and again, so try to play different tracks every time to retain the interest of the caller. Think of 

Consider Customization: 

Take it one step further and think about slipping a little bit of your brand into your on-hold music, a quick piece of your brand’s jingle or slogan. 

Legal Considerations: 

When choosing on-hold music, it is very important to make sure that you have the necessary license rights to the selected music. Unauthorized use of copyrighted music may get you into serious legal trouble, and you might even receive very heavy fines. On the other hand, the use of royalty-free music, like the one available at Melody Loops, protects from this kind of copyright headache but assures one the peace of mind needed for business. 

Brand Consistency Across Channels: 

The on-hold music should be in tandem with the great branding strategy for your business in all customer touchpoints. Consider how the choice of music will supplement other branding elements within your website, social media presence, and marketing materials. Strong branding leads to trust and familiarity, reinforcing your branding identity even during brief moments of on-hold time. 

Test And Iterate: 

Lastly, don’t be afraid to try different types of music and ask your callers how the music is coming across. Notice what your callers like best about the music and perfect your on-hold music choice over time.


A huge part of the customer experience that no one ever seems to take seriously is picking the right on-hold music for your business. The selected music should identify and speak to the target audience, providing the right mood or setting the scene, and make their on-hold experience fulfilling and interesting. This will enhance your brand image and keep coming back for more. Now, with this guide, pick the best on-hold music that you will be able to use for your business.

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