A dog experiences all sorts of emotions, not uncommon to how human beings feel emotions. A dog can become sad, sometimes due to an underlying health issue or sudden change. This sadness can decrease a dog’s interest in activities, affect its food consumption, and impact it in many ways. If your otherwise happy dog has begun to withdraw, it’s important to consider what you can do to help it.
Here are different techniques for dog stress relief.
Rule Out an Illness
Take your dog to the vet. Evaluate it for any signs of illness or physical discomfort. Monitor it for any signs of pain, such as limping, whining, or digestive trouble. After you rule out illness, the next step is to start cheering it up.
Be Attentive
A dog’s mood may become negative due to specific triggers, such as storms, strangers, loud noises, specific things in the environment, and loneliness. If you identify what triggers make your dog sad, you can make changes.
Reduce Stress at Home
Turn down loud noises and input stability into chaotic environments. Consider soothing sounds and an essential oil diffuser to add warm and calm ingredients to your space.
Consistent Routine
Set up a schedule that you can consistently maintain day to day. Set aside times for feeding, walks, and playtime. Avoid sudden changes and keep to this routine to lock your dog into predictable feelings.
Set Aside Bonding Time
Bond with your dog by spending quality time together. This strengthens your emotional connection. Engage them in focused play or snuggling together in bed or on the couch.
When you sense your dog’s sadness, redirect its attention to fun activities. Distraction can break the cycle of sadness.
High-Quality Dog Food
Ensure your dog is eating the best dog food possible. Consider investing in a new food and gradually switching them to see if there is a positive interaction. Go for high-quality treats made from natural ingredients that offer strong nutrition support.
Train Your Dog
Take the time to teach your dog some basic obedience commands, rewarding their positive behaviour with dog treats throughout the day. Most dogs will appreciate the direction and want to receive praise. Use this to refocus their attention from sadness to positive reinforcement.
Meet Other Dogs
Schedule playdates with other dogs or take them to the dog park to meet new pup friends. Interactions with other dogs can brighten a sad puppy’s mood, and an off-leash dog park can be an excellent way to treat a sad puppy.
Explore New Areas
Take your dog on walks to new areas. Let your dog sniff around. New smells engage their instincts and enrich the brain. Remember to bring dog treats before your expedition, which will keep your pet engaged during the journey.
Play Games with Your Dog
Try to engage your dog in simple, easy-to-follow games that burn off some energy, such as fetch or tug-of-war. Any active play will burn off anxious energy.
Interactive Toys
Find your dog some new interactive toys. A puzzle toy with dog treats is smart as it simulates the mind and relieves boredom. Start rotating your dog toys once a week. New toys keep your dog’s appetite for play strong.
Nose Work Games
Hide treats around your house and let your dog find them using their nose. This activity mimics natural hinting behavior and is another enrichment activity.
Increase Exercise
Extend your dog walks and play with them more. Physical activity boosts serotonin, improving mood and symptoms of sadness.
Dog Supplements
If you want to try mood-boosting supplements for your dog or a product like CBD oil, consult a veterinarian first. Should you decide to proceed, monitor your dog’s health and overall dog care routine for any side effects. If there is a negative reaction, stop their use.
Comfortable Rest Area
Especially as dogs age, they may require more comfort and relaxation than they did as pups. Ensure your dog has a safe, quiet place to sleep. An orthopedic dog bed may be worth purchasing if it needs more cushioning to cushion its joints.
Groom Your Dog Regularly
Set aside regular time to groom your dog. Brush their coat, cut their nails, check for skin irritations, go slowly to bond with them and keep them calm, and bathe them during grooming sessions.
Happy, Relaxed Tone
When speaking to your dog, keep a happy and relaxed tone. Dogs pick up well on body language and tone of voice. Try to avoid yelling or sudden loud sounds when around your dog.
Address Separation Anxiety
Does your dog panic every time you leave the house? This is a sign that it may have separation anxiety. Try to leave comforting items and familiar scents, such as a worn shirt, for your dog to sniff when you’re away. Leave some noise on for your dog to feel like someone’s at home. Practice with short departures and returns to get them accustomed to seeing you come and go.